Welcome to MINERVA Net
MINERVA Net is a registry of publicly shared disease maps projects. Due to the development of the MINERVA Platform, the registry was established to enhance the collaboration of the MINERVA Platforms users. MINERVA Net enables the users to share information about their projects on the central server via dedicated API. This information can be used to query individual MINERVA Platform instances using their API interfaces, to explore and compare contents of different disease maps.
To allow on sharing the projects, the instance must be registered. While registration of the MINERVA instance, MINERVA Net collects:
- URL of this instance,
- email of the platform administrator, used only internally, to inform about potential communication errors.
When registering a project, MINERVA Net collects:
- project's name, identifier and version,
- timestamps of project creation and sharing,
- associated disease (MeSH identifier) and organism (NCBI Taxonomy ID).
Quick links
MINERVA Net description in the MINERVA Platform manual